Used these to secure some medical bags to facilitate quicker morning check offs. They're fairly tough when trying to break by hand but once in the bags using the zippers to assist with breaking was a breeze. They aren't number which we don't require so they worked wel for us.
I purchased these to replace the ones on my fire extinguishers. They work well in this role, and require very little force to break off. They would probably work well as lock-out ties as well.
Bought these to attach my business cards to my products. They work exceptionally well. I couldn't be happier with my experience.
Bought for fire extinguisher at work with missing seals. Work great really good quality
Perfect for sealing first aid kits, fire extinguishers, luggage, equipment crates, breaker boxes, etc. to monitor for tampering. Fraction of the price of industrial seals and can be easily broken by hand.

Feature Product
- 5-Inch Clear self-locking plastic seals notched to provide various locking positions
- 250 seals to a pack
- For use with PM Company transit sacks 04646, 04647, 04648, 04649, 0997471, 997488, 997495, 997501
Throw away the twist ties, rubber bands, and tape! These flexible notched plastic strips adjust to the right size every time. Made to secure transit sacks, but don't let that stop you from finding other uses for this handy little Security self-locking tie. Let your imagination be your guide!
These are not always bad words. I needed a simple solution for tamper proffing a medical supply cabinet where people were taking items that didn't even make sense, just this simple fix has gone form $200/month to zero-no one wants to admit they broke the seal, for things like burn medicne when no one was burned.
Works great to hold handle pin on fire extinguisher. Can be broken by hand in an emergency, but keeps pin from falling out.
Great for locking in the pin after re-charging Fire extinguishers
Perfect for pricing items in our antique/flea market booth.Love that the beads go all the way down the strip to make them easy to tighten up on small items.
I needed these to attach outdoor lights to a railing. They worked fine. They can be linked if a longer length is needed.

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