Panda Planner - Daily Planner, Calendar and Gratitude Journal to Increase Productivity, Time Management & Happiness - Hardcover, Undated Day - Quarter Year Planner - Guaranteed (Purple)

April 21, 2019

Panda Planner - Daily Planner, Calendar and Gratitude Journal to Increase Productivity, Time Management & Happiness - Hardcover, Undated Day - Quarter Year Planner - Guaranteed (Purple)

Panda Planner - Daily Planner, Calendar and Gratitude Journal to Increase Productivity, Time Management & Happiness - Hardcover, Undated Day - Quarter Year Planner - Guaranteed (Purple)

I have both the Panda Planner and the Simple Elephant Planner. I like both, but I prefer the Simple Elephant planner.

The panda planner is really nice. It's got a nice hard cover that feels elegant and nice, heavy paper. It's somewhat like a journal and planner all in one. What I don't like about it, is that it is only 3 months, and for the price, I feel like it should be a full year. Also, there are parts of it that I'm not sure what to do with, so I just use those spaces to take notes, or I would end up wasting the space entirely. Additionally, it comes with videos and a lot of what I consider to be spam mail. I don't feel like I should have to watch videos or get spam mail to use a planner. The goal is to get organized, not waste time learning how to use the planner.

In the weekly section of the planner, I do like the project planning page sections and the goal sections. I can take or leave the last week review sections. I do not care for the planning upcoming week sections, because it is just too cumbersome to fill out every week. My family/work/personal/relationships all sort of overlap, and I don't have that much to say/do, really. Habits, learning, and passion projects are all incorporated into my weekly schedule, so I feel like those pages and sections are just kind of wasted space.

In the monthly section of the planner, again, I feel like there is just too much to write. I appreciate the planning section with the goals to accomplish and the distractions to avoid, but I don't care for the review section of wins and insights gained. In the daily section, I like being able to set priorities, having the schedule and task lists, and even the end of day review. I don't care for the morning review. I don't know what I'm supposed to do with the affirmation section or the exercise section, and again, I don't want to watch a video or read a mini-book to figure it out. A sample page filled out in the beginning of the planner would have been nice.

The Simple Elephant: The cover is not nearly as nice. It is still a hard cover, but it's kind of a soft hard cover and the planner overall feels cheaper in quality, and in fact, is lower in cost. The pages are about half the weight of the pages in the Panda Planner, and the overall feel is not as elegant. It has the same basic assembly as the Panda Planner with three ribbons to mark your place, and the elastic to hold it closed. It has one "Focus" section at the beginning of the planner, so instead of a daily or weekly focus, you set out yearly goals. Here is where they put their affirmation and "grateful for" sections. These still are not necessary to me, but at least they only take up one page, and I don't have to look at them everyday. Monthly sections are simple with just the month, goals, and space to write notes. Weekly sections consist of the week with goals for the week, successes and what can be done better. I like this a lot better than having an entire "weekly review." Also, the Simple Elephant has the entire week right in front of you, where the Panda Planner has one day per 2 pages. Which is kind of frustrating if you have an actual schedule you need to follow. Furthermore, in the Panda Planner, your weekly reviews are in a separate section from the daily views, so it's not very logically laid out. Had I designed the Panda Planner, I would have done the weekly view, with 7 daily views immediately following.

All in all, they are both great planners with great features. If you're looking for more of a journal, then you may want the Panda Planner. If you are looking for a planner to keep you on task, without all of the work and fluff, then I would go with the Simple Elephant.

I am a huge fan of yearly planners. I love to stay organized but I have a hard time remaining positive in my environment. Trust me, I'm from the hood and everyone knows there's nothing easy about living like this. HOWEVER.... I found this panda planner on Amazon and I ordered it RIGHT AWAY! There is a TED talk that talks about cultivating positivity through exercises like this. Taking time to write about what you are grateful / excited for changes your whole life. This is my word to anyone considering this book. If you are depressed (like I was), apathetic (like I was), and just not living to your potential BUY THIS BOOK! Immediately DAY ONE I used it I made more sales that day than the whole prior month. I was SUPER motivated, I kept looking at it to not only take care of my tasks but to continuously see that positivity. I even bought different color pens to have fun and be creative. I could go ON AND ON about this planner. Please trust my word on this one. This is the best thing you can do for your mental and physical health that is drug free and works immediately! Thank you people at Panda Planner, yall really doing an amazing thing for people with this. Love always, Jenn =)

I decided in 2018 to make this year my year of being on track. I purchased this planner after careful review of other planners and I was excited. But as I started marking out the dates, I realized, there was a problem. The monthly calendar goes for 6 months, the weekly for 3 months and the daily for three months. ERRR why??? Then I realized, to complete my year, I would have to purchase 3 more planner books for a total of $120. OMG this is nuts. So, before you purchase this, and don't get me wrong, it's great, i love the concept behind it, ask yourself, are you willing to spend $120 for a year planner? I'm not. Sorry Panda. Make a full year planner that doesn't cost $120 and I'll use it!

I love planners, and I always seem to buy them and never keep up the habit of filling them out everyday. This planner changed all of that. From the very first day I filled it out until now, two weeks later I feel more productive and I'm accomplishing more of my goals simply because I laid them out. Initially I thought this planner would be too small and wanted to get the larger 8.5x11 planner but this size is honestly perfect. There's enough room to write everything yet still small enough to carry around in my purse. I love each section of the planner from the calendar view, to weekly and daily views. The book itself and pages are a nice quality and I just really love the product, plus it has a cute panda. There's something about the planner that just makes me want to stick to my goals and I know I'm 100% more productive then before I had it. I highly recommend if you're someone like me who wants to do a lot/has to keep up with a lot of things like school, work, personal projects and fitness goals. Also, one nice touch is there are 4 bookmark strings so u can easily flip to your current day/week/month. This planner was well thought out.

I’ve been using my Panda Planner for four weeks now and simply couldn’t wait to review it. It’s got such great reviews already, but maybe this review will help you see HOW and WHY it really works! (TL;DR recap at the end of this review)

I guess I’d admit that I was a little skeptical that it could do any particular wonders. I’ve tried a lot of different productivity tips and read lots of guides, blogs, and books...nothing has helped much. At least not in a holistic, all-encompassing way. Until the Panda Planner! Panda Planner claims it will help me “reclaim my happiness,” I simply wasn’t expecting the ways in which it actually would. Here’s how:

[First: My PRE-Panda Planner “symptoms”: anxiety, overwhelm, lack of mindfulness, difficulty sticking to habits, mood swings, overall sense of “meh,” and I feel like my days just pass me by. My method of organization: Way too many to-do lists and Post-It Notes all over the place.]

1. Improved PLANNING:

• METHOD: Half the battle of making the Panda Planner work for you is to set an intention and commit to it. You gotta go ALL IN and form the overall habit of connecting with your Planner not just daily, but in the morning and evening, at the beginning and end of your week, plus of course monthly overviews. Once you commit, everything falls neatly into place. Tip: Create a nice cozy ritual around the mini and larger planning sessions. I chillax with my coffee and Panda in the AM, for example, and it’s such a nice way to mindfully begin my day (rather than checking email/social media!)

• RESULT: I’m simply WAY more organized than when I had my random to-do lists and Post-Its everywhere. I feel more in control now that my tasks are all in one place. I also feel so much more prepared and so much less overwhelmed as I go through these “checkpoints” of AM, PM, Weekly prep - consistently keeping tabs on both my workload and lifeload.


• METHOD: There are spots to plan your week and days, of course, but there is also a place to schedule the hours of your day, which I use to--at the very least--loosely schedule out all my projects and tasks and remind myself of meetings, meetups, and events. There’s also a bonus spot in the Month Overview to set bigger goals. I use it for things I’ve had a LOT of trouble know, those tasks or projects that have been on the To-Do List forevvvver and just don’t get done?

• RESULT: I simply get SO much more done now. The Panda Planner makes me WANT to write down tasks, especially knowing how great it feels to cross them off! I’ve noticed that the hourly schedule keeps me more on track. And the reward of crossing off tasks from both daily and weekly is, of course, very satisfying! Also, because I set a couple Monthly “Big Goal” intentions, those are FINALLY getting done! I had one on my list since Thanksgiving that I finally crossed off in July because of Panda.

3. Improved HABIT-FORMING:

• METHOD: The key to habit-forming is to not take on too much at once and, of course, complete the habit daily. On the Month Calendar Page, you set your one big habit intention and then there are little squares in the upper corner to check off/color in when you’ve completed your habit for the day. There are also spots on the Weekly and Daily pages to record your habit(s) as well.

• RESULT: I completed my assigned habit every single day with NO misses and I seriously attribute it to coloring in those little squares. Gamification is real folks! And because I’m more conscious of habit-forming, I’ve also gotten a lot better at pushing away little bad habits like checking email/social media and getting lost in some sort of internet research rabbit hole. Because of the Panda Planner, I feel like these habits are always subconsciously on my mind.

4. Improved MINDFULNESS:

• METHOD: Every day you record: 1. What you’re grateful for, 2. What you’re excited about, 3. Your affirmation, 4. Your focus, and 5. Your wins after the day is through.

• RESULT: Just like keeping tabs on my tasks in the AM/PM has improved my productivity, keeping tabs on positive emotions like gratitude and excitement has improved my overall life outlook. Even on days when I wasn’t feeling particularly grateful or excited, I just sat there and more or less “soul searched” for something and felt a lot better afterward. PLUS--like embers that keep a fire going--throughout the day, I notice that semi-subconsciously I look for things to be grateful and excited about. I also take more time with things, take more “mindful moments” breaks to stop, breathe, and notice things around me. My days feel more full of life because I’m making a more conscious effort to participate in them, rather than letting them pass me by.

5. Improved MOOD:

All of the above--combined and working together--has improved my overall mood! I know that one big source of anxiety is simply being overwhelmed by projects and tasks, so now that I’m much more organized and I merely take things day-by-day, that anxiety has decreased significantly. I also do a LOT less social media scrolling and mindless interneting--a huge source of my negative moods. Also, committing to daily exercise, especially in the AM, is like a daily dose of happy dopamine and endorphins that always cheer me up! I also committed to restarting my drawing “passion project” after a year of neglect and seeing the initial results of that is like re-igniting a fire that I thought burned out. Even when I have my bad days, it’s almost as if the negative feelings are happening independently and moving through me like storm clouds and I know they’ll pass soon. I don’t hold on to them. I don’t try to control them. And I don’t give them as much weight.

Again, this is all in Month 1.

TL;DR Recap:
Panda Planner makes it so much easier to access productivity, gratitude, and mindfulness because of the daily, weekly, and monthly structure right there at your fingertips. All you have to do is commit to taking the time to sit down a couple times per day and fill out the blank spots that are waiting for your words. That’s it! Everything I’ve mentioned above is MORE than worth the $25 experiment even if you’re just slightly curious about whether or not this planner will work for you. I honestly can’t recommend it enough! Thank you Panda for helping me become happier!!!

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Feature Product

  • ★ GET MORE DONE. FEEL BETTER - Most people struggle to keep up with the demands of modern life, leaving them feeling overwhelmed, exhausted and robbed of their passion. Panda Planner is a scientifically designed daily planner that will empower you to take back control, reclaim your happiness and flourish in every way
  • ★ SCIENTIFIC APPROACH TO PRODUCTIVITY & HAPPINESS - Overwhelmed by the symptoms of Lyme disease, Traumatic Brain Injury and Cancer, our founder turned to the proven research of POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY and NEUROSCIENCE and created a system to get his life back on track
  • ★ YOU ARE AWESOME - You might not feel that way all the time, but if you could just find a way to stay on top of your sh*t, everyone else would recognize how badass you really are. Panda Planner unlocks your ORGANIZATION & FOCUS so you can hit your goals, every time
  • ★ BONUSES & GUARANTEE - Included with your Panda Planner are some incredible ebooks (on topics like "How to Crush Your Goals" and "A Billionaire's Guide To Productivity") and a video mini-course on how to skyrocket your productivity. If you don't feel happier and more productive, just reach out to us for a simple, no-hassle refund
  • ★ WE BELIEVE that the demands and stressors of the modern world shouldn't rob us of the lives we were meant to live. WE BELIEVE that life is meant to be lived vibrantly. We are on a MISSION to help 10 million people reclaim their happiness. JOIN THE PANDA MOVEMENT!



It's easy to do isn't it? Without any sort of organizational planner it so easy to miss the things we need to do most, which only adds to your daily stress.

Finally, there's a simple, easy-to-use system that practically cures procrastination and helps you get more done, in less time! Introducing Panda Planner; born out of necessity by a once-struggling entrepreneur,Panda Planner is based on scientific studies that are proven to increase productivity and happiness over time.


Improve productivity, end procrastination and feel happier everyday with the Panda Planner! The design is based on principles from scientific studies proven to increase productivity & happiness over time.


Our unique planner system will help you PRIORITIZE your tasks and keep you ACCOUNTABLE! It's time to get organized!


Not only are you getting one of the best planners out there, you're getting 6 different ebooks and a video series to help you hit your goals FAST, absolutely free!

- How to Cure Procrastination

- How to be a Straight-A Student

- How to Get Rid of Anxiety

- How to be a Well Paid Freelancer

- A Billionaire's Top 5 Productivity Secrets
- How to Get in Shape Fast

Plus Get Access to a Video Mini-Course that will 10x Your Productivity. Normally $49, Yours is Free. Details on page 1 of the planner.

**This Panda Planner is designed to last between 3-6 Months**


Remember, we're here for you if you need us. If you're not happy, we aren't either and promise to make it right whenever you need us.

Thousands of People are Already Enjoying the Benefits of Panda Planner. Click the Add to Cart Button Now and Join Them!

I haven't been reviewing much or as much as I should. I honestly put things off a lot. I understand reviews really help product sells, they're very important to me when I shop Amazon. I spend a lot of time searching, reading, analyzing and comparing before I purchase. Most the time I am pretty please with what I get. I am very pleased with this planner. I am reviewing because it deserves one... I'll also jot down in my planner several reviews for other purchases that are overdue and am sure I'll get to them now. My daughter and I struggle with ADHD, and all that comes with it. Procrastination, avoidance, forgetfulness, time management, and sometimes unhealthy or unproductive thought processes are all reason why I bought this planner. I already have a pretty thick planner with plenty of slots to jot down all kinds of things...this smaller speak planner works so much better for me. The way my focus works is.. I waste too much time doing one thing and slack off on others... I thought it was odd that with in the 3 sections of the planner: the first section of the planner was the shortest consisting of pages for months, the next section was dedicated to weeks which had more pages but still a small section.. The majority of the pages are daily. Works for me as the strategic set up minimizes things I don't really need to help me be better and magnifies my now. (I took a picture of the sections, separated by the built in ribbon page markers) I've only had this for several days but have been so much more productive and goal orientated. It's been good to cut out distractions as the planner doesn't have room for me to list what I did wrong but allocates slots to jot down: what i couldve done better, and brings out only the best in me. Ps. Random but so am I... Large pandas have made it out of the endangered list!! I like pandas.

Since there was only one review, I was a little worried about buying this planner, but figured I'd take the risk and return it if it wasn't any good. But I noted that a lot of other organizers' reviews were mostly from people who got the item for free in return for a "fair review". So I avoided those because I don't think there's a high chance such reviews are truly going to be fair.

I just received this item yesterday and couldn't be happier. Yeah, you do have to put in the dates yourself but I believe they are working on a dated version which will be out soon
The size is perfect for carrying around in a backpack if you're in college. And I suppose the right size a planner should be regardless of what you do, school or business or whatever the case may be.
The layout is clear, the construction is of good quality.
What I like best is that each day there are fields for "I'm grateful for" and "Today will be great because". This can really set off your day well.
Then at the end of each day, it has "Today's Wins" and "Things I can do better"
And there are similar fields for each month.

Anyways, if those features are something you think would be helpful to you, then I would recommend buying this planner.

I've developed a problem sleeping as I've gotten older. I had a friend suggest writing down everything I need to do tomorrow just before going to bed. Just do a brain dump (on paper) and keep the note pad by the bed in case I wake up and think of something. So I did that for a couple of weeks and really liked it. I think it's going to take a while to notice any change in sleep quality, but I immediately liked the productivity boost and feeling of accomplishment. I'm a continuous improvement type personality, so I started researching this further and ran across several options for journals and planners. The Panda Planner had a combination of productivity and gratefulness / affirmation that I thought would help me. I was not disappointed. I was already a pretty good day planner (I like lists and checking off tasks). I've known that I should be planning more by the month and week, but never had done so (even though I've read Getting Things Done and have a pretty good handle on projects and tasks as laid out by David Allen). I love the structure the Panda Planner gives for the longer time frames as well as the daily. I like to-do apps and the reminders list on my phone, but writing things down in combination with the apps works better for me. I just take a photo of my Panda Planner page daily and leave the planner itself by my bed. If I were strapped for cash, I'd make the comment that using this planner will get expensive over time, but if you have the money, I feel the value is there. I haven't tried all the other planners out there, but I'm also not feeling the need to at this point. Highly recommended.

I have ADHD and it’s not just about having trouble staying organized- I have trouble getting momentum when tasks seem mundane or when I can’t see how they fit into the bigger picture. And since I’m currently a stay at home mom, a lot of my daily work can feel pretty mundane, and that leads to a lot of procrastination and wasted time.

On the other hand, I sometimes have SO many AWESOME ideas (!!!) that my plans for the day aren’t realistic, or I forget what I was trying to work on yesterday, and then I get discouraged bc it feels like I’m working hard and just not accomplishing much.

Enter the panda! ❤️❤️

This planner is SO helpful bc it’s month/ week/ day format makes me focus on the big picture, yet it allows me to break up large projects into more manageable pieces. The reflective portions (what I’m grateful for today, wins, how I’ll improve, etc) also help me reframe my thinking when I don’t get through all of my tasks, so I don’t just get frustrated with myself and give up if I have a bad day or two. And it’s the closest I’ve ever gotten to journaling consistently.

I still rely on our household kitchen calendar for scheduling, bc I don’t find it super intuitive to use this planner for kids activities or other family events. It’s not quite visual enough for me - I use a combo of my phone calendar with an old school whiteboard to keep track of all that.

That said - now that I’ve used this planner for just a few weeks I can’t imagine ever being without it! It goes from my nightstand, to the kitchen counter, to my purse and back again. I basically keep it on my hip at most times.

Some reviewers mention frustration with the fact that there aren’t enough day pages to match the weeks and months. I don’t find this a problem at all but I think it depends on how you are using it. I start filling out the month pages in advance bc it helps me have a larger sense of time and it helps me scale what I want to accomplish at a more realistic pace. For example- say that this year I need or want to investigate a new future career, see a financial planner, learn a new language, volunteer, landscape the yard, practice Pilates, get my kids involved in xyz, grow a garden and read more non-fiction. The monthly pages give me numbered spaces for THREE goals. So I have to narrow it down- but bc I can flip easily to the following months, I can make a long term plan to accomplish everything that given year, and then the weeks and days are an extension of that. So all of my tasks start to take on more meaning - instead of being just isolated boring chores, everything starts to become a piece of a bigger puzzle.

Sounds cheesy but absolutely, this planner has been life changing for me!

My husband originally bought me the Panda planner over a year ago and for whatever reason, I never cracked it open and tried it out. Finally he asked if he could have it for himself, LOL. So I gave it to him but then I noticed how much it was helping him organize his month/week/day, and I loved the gratitude/goal check ins, as well as “today’s wins” “today’s focus”, etc. so I bought myself one! 😂 I never thought I’d have a reason to use the monthly section, but it actually really helps to plan out my month in advance. Although I live by my phone calendar, putting it in writing just helps cement it into my brain. For those with visual learning styles or visual memories, that can really help you.

I’ve been really into my planner these days- now I’m completely hooked on planner stickers and washi tapes. It’s become a great artistic outlet to sit down each day and check in with myself and take some time for creativity. If I could suggest any improvements, it would be to leave some of the boxes unlabeled so that I can customize them (without having to put a sticker or label over it). Also if the planner came with some basic stickers to get you started, that would be cool too!

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