AT-A-GLANCE 2019 Weekly Planner / Appointment Book, 5" x 8", Small, Black (7010005)

August 17, 2019

AT-A-GLANCE 2019 Weekly Planner / Appointment Book, 5" x 8", Small, Black (7010005)

AT-A-GLANCE 2019 Weekly Planner / Appointment Book, 5

I got this because it was the lowest price I saw and is similar to what I have had and liked. It is basically equivalent but has slightly thicker binding which i don't like quite as well. Maybe all of them do, but I like the ones I have had in previous years better - will have to look in a local store to see if they are all like this now.

I've bought this Weekly Planner w/ the address book at the back, annually, my entire adult life. I'm organized! Much better than a calendar planner in a cellphone bc it won't get lost, stolen, nor need recharging. Lightweight & small enough to put in a purse or in the carrying case of your laptop.

Been using this 1961 ...never a year without it .. still have them all . ..

She'll never give up paper, and she looks forward to getting a new one each year!

This is the book I use every year. Good price

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Feature Product

  • Weekly appointment book helps you stay on top of meetings and to-do's every day of the week. 12 month date range covers January to December. Julian dates included. One week per two page spread.
  • Hourly appointment times from 8: 00 a.M. - 5: 00 p.M. Monday - Friday. Half size blocks for Saturday and Sunday are untimed. Past, current and two months future reference calendars included.
  • Tabbed telephone/ address section. Appointment book pages resist ink bleed and are printed on quality recycled paper with 30% post-consumer waste recycled material. Wirebound. 4-7/8" x 8" page size.


Weekly appointment book helps you stay on top of meetings and to-do’s every day of the week. High-quality paper features superior ink bleed resistance. 12 month date range covers a full calendar year from January to December. Julian dates included. One week per two page spread provides ruled space for notes and plans. Hourly appointment times from 8: 00 a.M. - 5: 00 p.M. Monday - Friday organize your workday schedule. Half size blocks for Saturday and Sunday are Untimed to allow for more leisurely weekend planning. Past, current and two months future reference calendars included for added perspective when making weekly plans. Includes tabbed telephone/address section for easy access to contact information. Includes double-sided Poly pocket to store loose sheets. Premium simulated leather cover for enhanced durability. Wirebound in black with covers in assorted colors: black, navy or Winestone. 4-7/8" x 8" page size.

Have been using for over 20 years

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