My daughter is three. I don't know if she is a gifted, but she is one smart little kid. The cards challenge her and make her think and they aren't so complicated that she gets frustrated, but they aren't easy either. They are perfect to enhance our kids growing minds. The instruction for us are simple to follow and even though we don't always go in order, she learns something new every other day...we only do her cards M, W, and F. Overall, I am very satisfied with this product and I recommend this to any parent who wants to add a little variety to their child's at home curriculum.
Got these for my 5 yo. These are very convenient and handy, can be used on the go. However the price is pretty steep. My Lo enjoys doing these, instructions are clear, easy to understand holds his attention for 20-30 mins. The difficulty level gradually increases making them more challenging.
My grandson is very smart for a three year old. My daughter was wanting new things to challenge him. He loves the new cards, not only do they challenge him but is different from other learning programs so he is not bored.
The question on Cards were really easy for my child who Is 5 years old, but he loved the colors and the little monsters!! Great way to find out where he is in math
Kid loves these. He just turned 4 and we work on these a few times a week. He loves playing with his flash cards to work on his brain power for kindergarten!
Feature Product
- Teach children the concepts they need for gifted and talented and achievement test preparation and answering questions on tests such as the CogAT, OLSAT, ITBS (Iowa), SCAT, WISC, ERB, WPPSI, AABL, InView, Woodcock-Johnson, TerraNova, Torrance, KBIT and more!
- These cards will strengthen your child's abilities in the following areas: counting, adding, subtracting, number recognition, word problems, simple equations, measurement, early fractions, 2 and 3-D shapes, time, calendar, following directions, listening, paying attention, working memory, receptive language, concentration, focus, thinking and more.
- Over 700 questions, puzzles and learning activities to reinforce each concept through playful parent-child interaction.
- Not just for students applying to gifted programs - these flash cards cover concepts all children are expected to master for Pre-K to Kindergarten readiness and success.
- If the cards ever get dirty, you can easily wipe them off - the smudge proof finish makes them easy to clean.
Description Gifted Testing Flash Cards - Math and Following Directions Bundle includes 144 cards covering over 700 total questions, puzzles and learning activities to reinforce each concept through playful parent-child interaction.
Improve your child's:
- Counting, Adding and Subtracting
- Number Recognition
- Word Problems
- Simple Equations
- Measurement
- Early Fractions
- Following Directions
- Listening
- Working Memory
- Focus and Attention
- Thinking
- Receptive Language
Strengthen Skills for Early Testing
Teach children the concepts they need for gifted and talented and achievement test preparation and answering questions on tests of quantitative reasoning such as the CogAT, OLSAT, WPPSI, WISC, Stanford-Binet, AABL, ITBS, Bracken, KBIT, TerraNova and more!
Hours of Offline Fun
Offers you and your child the chance to play and learn together while reducing screen time. Go through the flash cards with your child to learn each concept, then reinforce them throughout the day for lasting learning.
Master School Success
Included are all the easy-to-hard concepts Pre-K to Kindergartners need to master for testing and school success. On the back of each card, you'll find additional questions to ask your child to deepen his or her understanding of each concept.
You'll enjoy hundreds of additional questions total for hours of play and learning. Engage your children in learning with these colorful flash cards featuring our signature entertaining characters and create a powerful bond with your child by learning and playing together!
Hard to hold interest because it is so repetitive.
Different questions on each card for beginners or more advanced
I really like these- The content is well done and goes from simple to more advanced so they can build on the concepts. I also really appreciate that they are not flimsy and will withstand some wear and tear from the kids.
I used the flash cards during the summer didnt want my kids to forget what they learned at school. They loved them going to buy the 1st grade cards next summer.
Very good
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