Pet Resolve Dog Training Collar with Remote - Trains up to 3 Dogs at Once - Shock, Vibration and Beep Modes - Up to 3/4 Mile Range - Waterproof Electric E Collar

May 04, 2019

Pet Resolve Dog Training Collar with Remote - Trains up to 3 Dogs at Once - Shock, Vibration and Beep Modes - Up to 3/4 Mile Range - Waterproof Electric E Collar

Pet Resolve Dog Training Collar with Remote - Trains up to 3 Dogs at Once - Shock, Vibration and Beep Modes - Up to 3/4 Mile Range - Waterproof Electric E Collar

My husband before he passed away in 2008 was an avid hunter and we always used e-collars to train his English pointers.
His last hunting dog who became my house dog died in 2014 at he age of 14. He was probably the most loving dogs I have
ever had. I didn't think I would ever need an e-collar again and what I had left were all broken anyway so I gave them away.
Then in October of 2014 a friend of a friend called me and asked if I would take a pure bred English Pointer they found almost
dead beside a highway in Virginia. I was reluctant as I know how high strung they are and this was barely 2 years old, not neutered
and I am 65 years old. I couldn't say no. So I took him. It only took about a week to make him an inside dog but when I took him
outside he was a handful. I used a lunge like from my horses to see if I could control him but give him some leeway. That didn't
work out so well but I persisted. When spring finally came, he just had to run in the 25 acres behind my house. He would not come when
called and sometimes was out for 6 hours. I was so afraid I would loose him. I decided to buy an e-collar. I had a feeling he had been
trained with one as when I put a bell collar on him he reacted as if it was an e-collar. Of course being as smart as they are he figured
out I had no control with the bell collar. It took me about 6 months of searching the internet to finally come up with this Pet Resolve Dog training
collar. It was simple to understand and set up, reasonable priced, waterproof, good range (1200 yards) and effective. I took my dog out the day after I received it to train him with the collar only to find out he understood the e-collar. Who ever lost him, must have been training him for hunting.
I only had to shock him once and then beep him. Now he comes immediately with the beep. I can let him out to run without any fears of loosing him.
I am not a hunter but I know these dogs need allot of exercise which I was unable to give him without the fear of loosing him until I received this
collar. I thought I had a problem with the beep and Ben ,in customer service, was very prompt in answering my e-mail. I am very pleased with
the customer care fro this collar!! This is a simple collar to use and has a longer range than many of the much more expensive e-collars I have either had in the past or reviewed in my recent searches. I would highly recommend this e-collar.

(updates below)
The reviews are stellar, but we have not loved this collar for the price.
1) The collar part is HUGE compared to all other collars- like literally 1.5 to 2x the size of the previous 2 we purchased.
2) The remote does not come with a strap- even when using a strap off a different collar, the strap "hole" is in an unfavorable location- we much prefer the sportdog design.
3) The biggest complaint is the small delay when pushing the button before the collar reacts. This is pretty crucial for overall training of dogs when timing is perfect. It doesn't render it useless by any means, but I wish the collar were an instant response to the remote.
But mostly, it now won't charge at all. Once the collar died, we have had no way to recharge it, which means our pup doesn't behave.
We purchased this only a couple months ago, so the 2-year warranty is still valid, but I don't have alot of hope for the next one since the bad reviews mimic much of my experience. But, for this price I'm definitely willing to try it again and try to get my money's worth!!

**update** Seller contacted us immediately and we have been working towards resolution. They sent a newer version of the collar with charger, and a new charger to try and revive the old collar. But the original remote still won't charge, and the old collar still won't charge. I will contact them about this and update further as needed.

**update 08/2017**
Customer service is awesome. They have done everything they possibly can to replace dysfuctional parts in the previous collar, as well as provide a brand new collar. The old collar nor remote ever revived even with replacement parts. Currently the new collar and remote are working fine. Also, the collar would not sync with the A or B buttons of the remote. Luckily, it synced with the C button. This is a flaw, even if a small one for a single dog owner like us. For others looking to use multiple collars with the same remote (the reason behind A,B, and C buttons)- beware that it might not work.
We changed the review back to 4 stars because the new collar IS working for our purposes. I couldn't bring myself to give them 5 for the purpose of the delay in collar response mentioned above and the fact the new collar wouldn't sync with the A or B buttons- possibly defeating the multiple dogs function.

First off: I have ordered hundreds of products from Amazon and believe this is only the second time I’ve taken the time to leave a product review. In my opinion, this is an important category if you are a dog lover, so just want to help educate.
I ordered the dog collar / remote, as well as two additional collars. All arrived within two days and were very easy to set up. I have not had to use customer service yet, but this might be one of the most proactive C/S departments I’ve encountered. I received e-mails, both before and after my packages arrived which included the owners manual and links to videos to aid in setup / programming. Again, programming was very straight forward and the collars keep their memory which is one of the reasons I went with this brand.
I have a 12yr old Blue Heeler/ Beagle mix and a 4yr old German Shepherd. My GSD was a rescue who had a rough 1st couple of years (before finding us) and does show aggression out of fear towards other animals and some people, as he was not socialized as a pup. He is a work in progress and is a big baby with my family. We were recently contacted by the same place we got GSD#1 to see if we’d consider GSD#2, who is approximately 1 year old and also a male. We were hesitant because of the obvious, but was confident that this could end up helping GSD#1 as GSD#2 was a confident, social dog. I took a week off of work to introduce Stone into our pack. The 1st introduction took place on neutral ground at a friends pond. I had my son take GSD#1 (Rambo) to one side and I took Stone to the other. As predicted, Rambo went into all out war mode the second he spotted Stone, who was 60 yards away. He is very protective of my family as GSD’s often are. My wife was convinced this would never work. We did some passes at 10-15 yards away (both dogs on leash) but the tension never subsided. I then let Stone into our house and on our property without our other two dogs. Then removed him and brought them in to start getting used to his scent. The 1st few days, we could not let them in the same room together. Again, my wife was very skeptical. I strongly believe her anxiety also fueled much of the early fire. After working with them on leashes in our yard for a couple days, I then put them in muzzles and started bringing them closer. Rambo was letting hm closer but was a coiled spring of tension. I then introduced the collars. I started by buzzing (vibrate mode) anytime I saw any look of aggression from either of them. We have invisible fence, so this sensation immediately resonated with Rambo. I then let them roam the house together in muzzles and kept with the buzz vs. aggression routine. The 1st day, I did keep Stone on leash in our house just to ensure I had positive control. Then, the defining moment: They were having a tense day, so I waited until I was home alone with the dogs in order to keep the air calm. I let Rambo outside 1st and waited a few minutes. I then brought Stone outside on leash...both with collars on. I anticipated Rambo coming after Stone and decided that if it escalated to a fight, that he was going to receive his 1st shock. That’s exactly what happened. I made it 20 ft out the door and Rambo lunged at Stone which resulted in a dog fight. The second he attacked, I corrected him. That ended the fight immediately. To my astonishment, not only did this end the fight but it caused Rambo to submit. I suppose in his mind, Stone has electrical super powers and does not want to mess with him. I have had Stone for exactly one week today. If you consider where we started, where we are now is nothing short of amazing. 99% positive reinforcement along with help from these collars and my household is almost calm. I use the collars less each day and have only delivered a total of 3 shocks. 2 to Rambo and 1 to Stone. All other corrections are in vibrate mode. When looking at these pictures, envision 2 dogs that wanted to kill each other from across a pond one week ago and the Black and Tan (Rambo) who would never allow another dog in his house and the blonde (Stone) who only wants to play but will never back down. Our other dog really just try’s to keep his distance. He’s too old to mess with these two.
The product literature recommends not using these collars for an aggressive dog. I’m here to say that these collars are helping me re-train him with another non aggressive dog and anticipate not needing these collars in the near future. A happy and safe dog is a dog that is trained and knows his boundaries... these collars were the answer for me. To my lovely wife - Told ya so!

I've had high quality TriTronics collrs for years. Heavy duty and work great. But Garmin bought them and only sell these cheap batteries that only last a few months to get us to buy new collars so I refuse to buy another Tritronics. I did extensive research on several types of 3/4 mile waterproof hunting dog collars.
Cons of this: 1 is about the strength of 3 on any other collar
Controller: Feels lightweight weight and cheap in your hand.
Takes 4 seconds to push button to turn off
Takes 4 seconds to push button to turn n (both collar and controller)
So can't turn off and then quickly turn on to correct dog.
Everything is digital, not like clicking a dial to the # you want. So when riding a horse like I usually am I have to look down and concentrate on what little number is flashing.
Tiny little hook to attach lanyard- will rip off in the first deep brush it hits.
Black color controller hard to find if dropped in wood or trail
Price is unbeatable
Has vibrate, beep and correction buttons
Recharges easily with double ended plug
My dog is broke fully trained in the field- but her recall when she's on the hunt past 30 yards has been, shall we say- selective.As in, she pauses mid stride when I call her off a critter but decides she's going to finish the chase and THEN come back on her own time. This FLATTENED he on 5r! Worked great- if she goes off after a deer or groundhog or cat- I call- if no response you correct her and she's turned around yelping out shes coming as fast as she can.
Two trainings with it she's 100% ON ME. For those of you who think E collars are cruel- now she's safe, wont get hit by a car or shot by a pissed off person for trespassing liek she would have before. Works in tall corn and heavy brush.
Very happy with it. It's not quite the quality I'm accustomed to with the controller in my hand, I'm not sure the controller will hold up as well as my Tritronics but it's almost a 1/3 of the price. And all I really need is the correction to work so I'm happy. If I were doing in town work, heeling etc I'd go with a $300 collar with finer settings for attention getting than for correction. But if you need something to get your dog off from biting, growling or threatening about food, barking incessantly or listening to commandthis will do it just fine. I work Beagles, Border Collies and Gordon Setters. I also use it on horses if they need correction for uncontrollable pawing, or charging people or kicking when cornered. Also when you have a mean horse that bullies new one to the point of terror or tears into new horses like a shark. Just make the collar longer with baling twine

I bought this unit over a year ago. It works great I have three collars program to one remote. The distance is great. We use this device to help in training our dogs to stay within line of site when we are on the beach. The collars have never failed. All have spent a lot of the time under saltwater. A couple weeks ago my remote stopped working. I found the support e-mail under the question and answer area. Sent an email to support, they went through a couple trouble shooting steps. Turns out the battery failed. Unfortunately it leaked and caused damage to the connector. Within three days I had s new unit at no cost. Most companies won't cover batteries let alone replace there equipment when one fails. They did at no cost.

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Feature Product

  • FANTASTIC NEW UPGRADE SINCE MAY = 4.7* + EXTRA LONG & 'REMOVE THE SHOCK OPTION' PRONGS NOW INCLUDED + NO STANDBY MODE ALWAYS READY TO GO! is your dog misbehaving and you want a well behaved pet with minimal fuss? The Pet Resolve system is the perfect solution to train upto 3 dogs for a range of desirable behaviors. Don't let your dog get side-tracked by other animals or misbehave in public. Teach your canine companion how to act properly with arguably the best training collar on the market!
  • SUPER LONG RANGE HIGH QUALITY WITH MEMORY; forget other dog training collars which use cheap plastic that breaks when you drop it and are designed for small spaces and yards, our e collar dog training system is of the highest quality and has a super long 3/4 Mile range (1312 yards suitable for hunting dogs) for easy outdoor training covering the widest areas! You certainly get what you pay for with training collars and unfortunately most cheap collars don't last long!
  • VARIABLE SHOCK AND VIBRATION LEVELS; train up to 3 dogs at once (additional collars required only $47 each!) with up to 10 levels of continuous or momentary shock (hold down button to shock for 1 up to 8 seconds, great for emergencies!) vibrations, or beeps, for safe, efficient training, allowing you to teach your dog a range of commands. Sometimes it only takes one click of a button to completely change the behavior of your dog and the vibration button does the job for most!
  • WATERPROOF CONSTRUCTION; does your dog love to run outside or swim? Unlike cheap collars, our training system is completely waterproof (remote splash proof) and can be fully submerged without damage! Most other collars fail in the rain, we provide shock collars dogs can actually swim in all year round! It's worth noting that this collar doesn't go in to standby mode like most, meaning that it's ready to use when you actually need it!
  • ULTRA LONG LASTING BATTERY & 2 YEAR WARRANTY; our training collar is powered by a super high capacity rechargeable Li-ion battery, fully charged in 2 hours, for long lasting training without having to constantly change batteries! You also get a FREE E-BOOK, 2 year warranty, no questions asked MONEY BACK GUARANTEE and World Class Customer Service!



Do you own a dog, and would like a super convenient, easy to use means of training its behavior?

Rather than cheap dog training collars that simply emit a small shock and break without warning, would you like a premium training collar that's super durable and packed with convenient features for the most versatile training collar on the market?

If so, our Dog Training Collar is the perfect choice!

With a completely waterproof design you can train up to three dogs at once with a range of up to 3/4 mile, using a combination of 10 levels of shocks, vibrations and beeps (notably louder than most of the competition) to train a wide variety of behaviors. trainer mini pro correction control waterproof rechargable perfect fit sport durable long big anti transmitter shocks no esky dogtra petsafe static aggression in 2 contact points 3 to two 1 4 walking system beep 14 black under 15 pounds 24 inch 23 size over 10 collers lbs range little neck vibration corrections adjustable aetertek 300 supplies- petrainer basic indoors rainproof 330 yd chokers yards be dog's innotek fits all is shockers necks that barks anti-barking train straightforward advanced second pets yard 5 one or pet-training we receiver -20 if-100 sports & sizes 2.3 up that's prongs extra three 4psc water within w zappers i colla free controls receivers you dod effective 7 shoking tone

collar de entrenamiento para perros collar de entrenamiento para perro

Parents always wonder how I get the brattiest kids to's the solution!

JUST KIDDING!!!! I use these on my husband to make him behave. Works like a charm and worth every penny.

Seriously though, these are great. I've got hyper-vigilant barkers that freak out EVERY SINGLE TIME another dog walks past the house, every time my neighbors come home, etc. I give them a free pass once a month when tornado sirens are being tested. I tried the collar out on my arm to see how bad the shock was at lowest setting, and I was surprised but not hurt. My husband refused to try it out on himself, which I think should be required for anyone who's holding the remote control. I really don't know why there needs to be such a high setting, because that seems like so much potential for animal abuse/cruelty. PLEASE, if you think the collar isn't working, ensure that it is BEFORE you keep cranking up the pain levels. Anyway, it only took a few zaps at lowest level for the dogs to get the message about their hyper-vigilant & insane barking. Now I either do a vibrate or just the beep to keep them in line. My dogs are super smart, so your results may vary.

The different length prongs are MUCH appreciated because my guys have a lot of thick double coat around their necks. The short prongs would've made this collar useless for their breed and I would've had to send it back. Now when they're being jerks, I just put the collars on and they know I'm not going to put up with their nonsense. Sure, it was a bit expensive, but peace of mind and sanity (not just mine but also my neighbors) is totally worth it!

Great training aid for my German Shorthaired Pointer. After using it for about 6 months I noticed that the collar would not hold a charge for very long so I called the company direct and to my surprise I actually talked a person on the phone without having to spend 5 minutes pressing buttons. He was actually interested in my problem... He told me how to reset the collar and asked that I email him my Amazon order number. Three days later I not only received a new battery but a new receiver. Great Customer Service is not dead after all.

This collar is amazing! Within 10 minutes, and on the lowest possible beep setting, our puppy developed manners! He stopped running from me and actually listens to me when I say no. Incredible! We have had him in 12 weeks of training classes and he knew what he was supposed to do, he just ignored us. Now, he says by my side, doesn't run off and actually listens. I highly recommend this collar.

I received the product, unboxed it and set it up in about 10 minutes. It already had a charge and it was super easy to setup the two collars connected to one remote. Something I can say right off the bat is that this is much more sturdy feeling than the cheap 50ish dollar ones that are available. The build quality looks and feels substantially higher and so far the performance has been outstanding.

I had previously bought TWO other products in the 50 dollar range and both had poor performance and broke within 6 months. The previous products did not come close to the range they advertised, even in an open field on a clear day. The power buttons wore down and the collars would randomly turn off and not turn back on- then turn back on again. In short, you get what you pay for.

This unit has REALLY great range and even the collars themselves (not the electronic device but the necklace part) are much beefier than the cheaper alternatives I previously tried. The one bad thing is that one of the collars started to make a very loud noise on the vibrate setting after the first day- as if the vibration mechanism was loose inside. BUT, I emailed the customer service rep - who had already emailed me to check on my purchase satisfaction - and he immediately offered to send me a backup collar, even though the collar technically still works. That kind of customer service is a very rare and good thing. I will update to 5 stars after I receive the new collar (and assuming it performs well for 6 months).

UPDATE !!!!!! 8 months after receiving this collar it stopped working. Would not take a charge. Called the company and they asked me to remove the back of the collar to determine if the problem was with the collar or the battery. As soon as I removed the back I saw one of the wires had become disconnected. I emailed them back on a Friday and the new collar was at my house on Sunday. Incredible customer service - makes other companies look bad. You cannot go wrong here as they stand behind the product like no other. Thanks again Pet Resolve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This system works as described. I also ordered an extra collar for use with both my dogs. I chose this system over others mainly for the layout of the controls. There is no toggling between sound, vibrate and shock functions. There is no toggling between dogs. All functions have their own button. This makes the system easy and effective to use. Normally the vibrate function is enough to correct unwanted behavior. The instructions were included in the package and were also emailed prior to arrival. This was great and allowed me to be ready to use the system upon arrival. Make sure you read them as there are some specific steps you need to follow. Everything worked perfectly first time out and I only need to recharge about once every two weeks but I do not use it everyday. Both my dogs have very thick neck fur/skin and the collars work fine. Be aware you have to tighten the collars more than you think at first. This is true of all training collars. There should be a very tight fit with two fingers between the collar and the neck. One tiny nitpick - When using the lanyard around your neck, it would be easier to use and read the controls if the lanyard attached to the bottom of the transmitter instead of the top. Really nothing else to complain about - quality system works as advertised - oh yeah - I paid full price for this system.

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