Safe Paw Non-Toxic Ice Melter Pet Safe, 8 lbs. 3 oz.

October 04, 2019

Safe Paw Non-Toxic Ice Melter Pet Safe, 8 lbs. 3 oz.

Safe Paw Non-Toxic Ice Melter Pet Safe, 8 lbs. 3 oz.

Great product. I read some reviews that people state this stuff eats your concrete. I had compacted snow where my tire tracks were and placed a little more in those areas. Those areas later did have the concrete break a bit. The areas where I barely put on, did not show damage.

The key is to lightly sprinkle the product over the desired area. Do not overdue it.

Another side note with reviews on Amazon is really read into the review. Is the person giving lower stars because they didn't use the product how it was intended. Or is the product deficient and need to go back to the drawing board. Just my 2 cents.

This ice melt is our go-to product for our front porch and walking paths to where we takes the dogs "to go". This is my first time being back in the mid-West in 7 years and one of my dog's first winters! I wanted to be sure that we didn't have any issues with ice melt products and did several hours of research before settling on this 8lb shaker of ice melt. I read some reviews on how this ice melt supposedly doesn't work on below freezing temperatures. I've used it here and there on both negative temperatures and warmer temperatures (closer to 30f) and have noticed that it has worked successfully in melting the ice in both scenarios. We keep this product by the downstairs door within arm's reach and it's our go-to for any time it looks like it may get super cold or snows to prevent ice from forming! No issues with our dog's paws, either, and so far it's been working great here in MN! Highly recommended! We'll most likely be purchasing larger quantities soon!

We have indoor cats and our neighbors take care of numerous stray cats that roam our neighborhood. I was really worried about finding some sort of ice melter to put on the back stairs where we get a lot of ice.

We've been using Safe Paw Ice Melter for two winters now and really find it to be a good option. None of the animals in our yard or our neighbor's yard seem to be affected by it and our indoor cats are still doing just fine. The Ice Melter does a good job getting rid of the ice on our steps and the walkways around the house and driveway.

I have noticed that we track it inside at times - of course any tiny little ball will get into the grooves of your shoes. BUT - the color allows me to see it and clean it up right away. Even if they do get crushed, they're still easy to clean up with our vacuum and they do not stain the floor or rugs, that I have seen. Just a heads up: the color does eventually leech out - the balls become white over time - but like I said, it doesn't seem to stain anything.

I recommend it for those of you who are concerned about tracking toxic ice melters inside or about the wildlife around your house.

We buy this every year and this year was no different., except we ended up buying more. (it's been very wintery) It works like it's supposed to and no issues with our concert outside or our dogs paws or on our tile floors inside when we accidently bring it in on our shoes from outside. Next year we are just going for the big bucket!

We live in the SW corner of Missouri and our winters have become somewhat mild in the last few years. We don't seem to get the deep snows or heavy ice storms of the past (thank goodness) and usually end up with just freezing fog or a light icing.

Our wood deck can get extremely slick with just the slightest coating of anything frozen and our two older arthritic dogs have a hard time getting up and down the steps when in this condition. Their back legs go out from under them and as they are large dogs, it's hard to get them back on their feet.

I searched for a de-icer that wouldn't hurt animal paws or plants and found Safe Paw. We've only had one episode of ice this year and this product was perfect for our needs. I just sprinkled it lightly over their usual path on the deck and within 15 minutes it was walkable. The lid has a dial for either a sprinkle application or a pouring action. Now I'm not here to make a conjecture on how this product would work on a thick layer of snow but for our needs, it works beautifully.

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Feature Product

  • Non-Toxic ice melt is guaranteed safe for pets
  • Concentrated pellets cover twice the area of rock salt
  • Timed-Release formulation helps prevent re-icing for up to three days
  • Safe for animals, children, vegetation, and concrete brick and stone
  • Safe paw is available in the 8-pounds size


This non-toxic ice melt is guaranteed safe for pets. Concentrated pellets cover twice the area of rock salt and will not irritate pets paws or skin, and work in temperatures as low as -2 degree Fahrenheit. Timed-Release formulation helps prevent re-icing for up to three days. Guaranteed non-toxic. Safe for animals, children, vegetation, and concrete brick and stone. Safe paw is available in the 8-pounds size. Active ingredients are carbonyl diamine and a glycol admixture. Measures 11-1/3-inch length by 5-inch height by 7-1/2-inch width.

- Safe Paw seems to have replaced the other "safe" ice melt I have ordered for the last few years, or maybe that other one is just out of stock this year.
- I like the fact that this product is non toxic, but it costs quite a bit for an 8 pound jug vs conventional ice melt. I don't mind paying for the safety aspect of this type of ice melt, but I would like more product for the money. I think 12-15lbs would be reasonable for the price they are asking. 8 pounds goes quick if you have a decent size area to spread this over.
- The container itself is a plus, you simply turn the top, and it has two openings, one completely open, and the other is more like a spreader like a salt shaker, only way I can explain it. This helps to not dump out the product too fast or accidentally, and keeps it neater and easier to work with.
- Ice melted fairly well with this product, but the other "green" safe ice melt worked faster. I'm not sure if its just the temperatures I used it in, but this seemed a little slower acting. I'd have to test them side by side to be sure, but for now I'm pleased enough with this safe ice melt.
- Amazon delivered quickly with Amazon prime and I will be re ordering one more time before the winter is over!

I live in an area seldom bothered with heavy snow or long-lasting ice. This year has been different. In January we received rain, then a quick drop in temperature below freezing, leaving ice everywhere, later covered with snow. I was effectively "iced in" and it took a lot of work to clear the north-facing entrance to the house. I ordered Safe Paw shortly after that, wanting to be prepared for "the next time," although I did not expect a recurrence for several years. We've had two very similar storms since then, and Safe Paw has melted the ice in this north-facing problem area, an area that never gets sun. I have been very glad that Safe Paw was on hand! I used it only in this limited area, and so far have not noticed any problem with the concrete. (I did not use it on icy spots on the driveway, because the instructions advise not to use it on concrete less than a year old. The driveway was redone this past summer.) It has worked well for me.

I've used this product for a couple years now and this review is for a repeat order. I like it. It does an adequate job melting ice and snow on my front porch and back patio (perhaps not as well as harsher products, but still does a good job). I buy it for a couple of reasons. One is that I don't want my cats and dog licking paws with harsher and dangerous ice melt products attached -- this is most important to me. Another is that the container is especially convenient. The twist top has settings that allow the ice melt to be easily sprinkled where you want it. No more wearing gloves to hand sprinkle or trying to spread from some makeshift container. Highly recommended.

So far I'm quite pleased with Safe Paw Non-Toxic Ice Melter. I looked at another one and chose this one because it states that it is guaranteed safe for pets around paws, eyes and skin. Also, it states that the Safe Paw is non-toxic and guaranteed safe if eaten, swallowed and ingested. (Also safe around children.) The other one I compared this one to, I also saw at a local store, and it said "safer" around pets - not guaranteed safe. Our pets are our family and them being safe is extremely important to me, so it made sense to me to go with Safe Paw. I have two small older dogs, (8 and 5 pounds), that I let outside through the sliding door that exits from the family room, to the patio, to the yard. Living in the north, we can get some very icy and snowy weather. It seems like the step exiting the door and the deck beneath the step becomes ice covered. My dogs slip while trying to get outside. It came to the point where I would have to carry them in and out due to their fear of slipping and my fear of them getting hurt. Safe Paw seems to be doing the job of melting the ice safely. I haven't noticed any ill effects to the health of my dogs. I DO monitor them carefully since this is the first season I've used any ice melt in their area. Because this is the first year, I'm giving 4 stars instead of 5. But I think this is going to be a 5 star product and I will probably order it again. I also might mention that we spent a lot of time, effort and money rebuilding the deck about two years ago and did not want to ruin it. Safe Paw is also guaranteed safe on decking, lawn, concrete, asphalt, rugs and floor (for times when it gets tracked in on our feet). One more plus is that it is made by the developmentally challenged. Why not support the product and help those who need our help? So far, pretty good product.

It does a good job of melting the snow and our dog doesn't seem bothered by it at all (she is by salt and snow). I also like that it's colored, so you can see where it's been spread already. It takes a decent amount to really melt all the snow, so this won't go too far, but it's a good way to try it to make sure you like it.

Update: This lasted us (a double city lot) the whole PA winter, with just a little left. We only use it after shoveling to prevent ice, but we use it almost every time.

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