received it today and i was happy at least my daughter will be happy to get her protective gear when she is on her bike.
I bought for my 3 year old son. It looked like the helmet would be too big for him when I saw the package. Wrong.. with adjustments it fits him perfectly. The little elbo pads and knee pads fit comfortably on him. Now he can ride his bike and scooter safely. Love this product.
When my little girl with this protective gear, very happy! Each piece is made very smooth, there will be no rough plastic burrs. This protects my little girl from the smooth skin.
Great quality and very cute color, perfect for girls!
Great product! Easy to put on and adjust. These are better than designs because my boys like getting cool stickers for their helmets. Would buy again. Price was lower than most.
Feature Product
- The kids protective gears' ABS shell resists impact and high quality EPS foam provides shock-absorbing. Complies with CE standards.
- Suitable for children and youth with helmet size: 50-54 cm / 19.6"-21.3". Suggested user age: 3-8 years.
- Suitable for many outdoor sports such as skateboarding, roller staking, cycling, scooter and so on.
- Helmet has 11 breathable vents for airflow to keep user cool. Chin straps and velcro are easy to adjust.
- Package includes 1 helmet and pairs of pads for wrist, elbow and knee.
Shuangjishan kids protective gears with more protection
Our kids protective gears are made of ABS and EPS, light weight for your cozy wearing, and provides more safety.
Suitable sports
Mountain biking
BMX biking
Rock climbing
Street dance
Suitable users
Kids / Youth
Helmet padding and adjustment system
The helmet's ergonomic interior pads provides effective shock absorption and sweat absorption, makes you cool and comfortable while wearing. The pads are removable for cleaning, keep you away from odor and dust. Please use mild soap and water only for cleaning.
The chin straps are easy to adjust, the buckle and velcro can be fastened and released quickly.
Colors and Size
There are various colors for users of different ages, genders and personalities. The size of helmet and pads are for users of suggested head circumference and body weight:
S: 50-54 cm / 19.6"-21.3", below 40 kg
Package includes
1 helmet
1 pair of wrist pads
1 pair of elbow pads
1 pair of knee pads
Daughter loves this set. Nice quality.
Fit my 9 year old grandson well. He is small and if he was average size I think this set would be too small
Great price and a great product. Straps are all adjustable so it will grow with her for the next few years. Overall, very happy with the product and the price!
Very nice little set for the price. Timely shipped. Fit child well. Seems comfortable.
These wear great for my two year old. They are a tiny bit to big, but she’s is tiny for her age. Good enough quality for learning to skate or ride a bike. Comes with little bag for all the pieces. Great for the price
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