Got this for my 9 month old Granddaughter, and she loves it! The volume is a concern, even at the lowest setting it's VERY loud. I had to put a piece of packing tape over the speaker holes.
The Quality of this thing is Cheap and thin like everyone else said in their review of this piano. As the days go by, it grows on you and doesn’t look so bad being in your home. Nonetheless it is loud and effective. It gets the job done. My 9 month old baby loves it. My toddlers enjoy it too
My toddler barely played with it, but I like it because its entertaining to hear the masterpieces the cat makes everytime he walks on it
My granddaughter is almost two and loves this. I was worried that it wouldn't hold up well under the abuse she gives it, but it keeps on going! So many different settings, she dances all over it. Even us grandparents play and haven't broken it yet. I highly recommend it!
I expected this to be pretty cheap feeling but it was much better than expected. Works great. Does not come with batteries but that is normal.
Feature Product
- Introduce your youngster to rhythm, music while having loads of fun
- Features 8 instrument sounds and 4 different play modes,with recording and playback capabilities
- It can be touched by hand or foot ,and can also be used to play music on the blanket.It helps to develop children's sense of touching and feeling.
- Product Dimensions: 110cm X 36cm (43.3'' x14.2'')
- Package included: 1x Musical Mat ; Require: 3x AA battery (not included)
Product Detail:
Item name: Piano Musical Mat (Piano+Game+Music+Flash)
Brand: Coolplay
Gender: Unisex
Color: Multicolor
Suitable age: 3 +
Material: Nonwoven fabric, polyester fiber
Dimensions:110cm x 36cm /43.3''x 14.2''
Power supply by 3xAA battery (not include)
Maintenance: You can use a damp cloth to wipe the surface of the music blanket , then it can dry.
* Dance, Sing and compose all at the same time!
The piano mat is touch sensitive. Use your hands or feet to play the notes, or roll back and forth to play the scales! Create some killer dance moves and a song to go with your music to put on a show.
*Play 8 different instruments!
Choose from piano, violin, accordion, trumpet, xylophone, horn, flute playing and guitar sounds to create your musical masterpiece. Switch instruments mid-song for more complex compositions. Adjustable volume lets you play as loud as you want to or as soft as you need to.
*Compose melodious melodies !
Record your tune, then use the playback feature to share it with family and friends. There's also a demo mode with pre-recorded songs that can be played with any instrument. Don't worry if you forget to turn it off, the piano shuts itself down automatically to save on battery power.
Learning Mat Highlights:
Developing children's sense of touching and feeling.
Training children's sense of rhythm and melody.
Developing children's sense of hearing and sound understanding.
Training aesthetic eyes and creativity.
Package Content:
1X Music Carpet Mat (OPP Bag )
Our twins love to walk over this piano floor mat. It is good quality and costs much less than many I have seen on the market.
Christmas present don’t know at this point.
Did the job! Was bought for a young toddler and it kept them busy for a while!
Bought for my one year old, he loves it.
Got this for my daughter for Christmas, she watches Baby Joy Joy on YouTube where the kid jumps on the piano keys. Now our daughter gets to jump on the piano keys too! Our favorite thing is that it works on the carpet!
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