Feature Product
- ✔ Orgonite pyramid (small size) with Hematite Pyramid stone.
- ✔ Made With : resin, aluminum powder , brass , Hematite PYRAMID STONE, with Love & reiki energy
- ✔ The Orgonite Pyramid Diamentions are: approx. 2.5 x 2.5 inches and the height is approx. 2.5 inches
- ✔ Hematite Has Strong Grounding Energy ,Gives Protection against negativity.
- ✔ This products is handcrafted there might be slight deviation in size, shape and color compared to image shown here.
Orgonite is a mixture of catalyzed fiberglass resin with metal shavings, particles or powders, poured into molds. It is said to attract etheric energy similarly to Reich's accumulators. Having an orgonite product on you is like having an energy transformer in your energy field. It will clean up stuck or armored energy structures in your energy field. A body has a fine energy structure, described as the chakras (energy centers) Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or vortex, and it refers to the seven energy centers in our bodies of which our consciousness, our energy system, is composed. These chakras, or energy centers, function as pumps or valves, regulating the flow of energy through our energy system... Hematite is a stone that is most commonly - and most strongly - used to ground or stabilize and for protection. In spiritual work, hematite is an excellent stone to help keep yourself also connected to the Earth plane, as some would say via the silver cord, so that your spiritual learnings and travels can be done safely and things learned can be brought back to daily life more easily. Red Ochre is variety of hematite used for permanent coloring, and particularly in ancient spiritual drawings, medicine pouches, and related spiritual uses. Hematite can be used at the corners of a room or property as a simple but protective spiritual crystal grid.

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