...until you buy THIS Chamomile! I was new to loose leaf tea when I first bought this several months ago, when I got it I opened it and just kept breathing in the goodness. If you drink tea from a bag I promise you it is night and day!! This smells so amazing and tastes just as fabulous! So many uses besides drinking this herb also! Packaging is reasealable and awesome. This is a GIANT bag just to prepare you.
My ONLY complaint- U.S. Wellness PLEASE start selling MORE HERBS!!
I have bought 2 items from this company and I am in love. I am back today purchasing my 3rd & can't hardly wait 2 days!! PICTURES: I opened a store's bag of "Chamomile tea" so you can see the difference between the powdered brown grass-looking tea bag contents (left) & the U.S. Wellness brand loose Chamomile (right)... it's shocking!
I will be a lifetime customer for sure!
I'm a Whole Food Plant Based Chef and a Holistic RN. I love to cook so I'm constantly in search of the best product for my dollar and for my health. But I'm also skeptical about trying new brands, even with good ratings I've had some disappointments. But this tea deserves five stars and more! I've purchased other brands that were very, very good but this product is superior! The package contains fresh, whole, beautiful hibiscus petals. We live in hot, sunny Florida - this makes a wonderful daily sipping tea without having to worry about calories or caffeine. You can see, taste and feel the love that goes into this tea. Thank you, sincerely, for the care you put into its manufacturing.
(See photos of my hibiscus tea with pomegranate ice cubes and my cranberry sauce steeped in hibiscus tea.)
After my heart attack and having a stent applied into my LAD artery and sent home after 1 nights stay in the hospital. Of course my friends had come over to visit and as my cartiology nurse words it, “their bigger fish stories” had basically put me in panic mode, sending me to the emergency room once more. My family doctor had prescribed Valium to calm my panic attacks. In the mean time my nurse had recommended Camomile tea. To make a long story short, I haven’t used any Valium as the camomile tea seems to have such a calming effect with me that I haven’t had to take any Valium to this point. I would like to thank U.S. Wellness Naturals for being and having very well priced, affordable product.
Thank you,
Good to be alive
A one pound bag of tea is soooo much, but I really was in dire need! My allergies have been extremely bad and I feel so miserable everyday that it’s impossible for me to get things done! Stinging nettle supports healthy histamine levels so spring air or whatever it is, won’t irritate the body as much. The grounded loose leave tea arrived quickly and is packaged nicely! No complaints.
The calendula flowers I received arrived promptly, were well packaged and are already employed in tincture and salve. The flowers were brightly colored, (a sign they were picked in their prime and promptly dehydrated), and made a richly colored strong tincture in very little time. I am very happy with them and will buy them from U.S. Wellness again!

Feature Product
- THE KICK: our Mate is supergreen and most of psychoactive compounds are preserved. It is heavy on CAFFEINE but it also contains THEOPHILLINE primarily found in tea (less in coffee) and THEOBROMINE (a non-addictive stimulant which, like chocolate, it contains in greater quantities than either coffee or tea). Because of its low acidity, Mate is easier on the stomach than coffee, and doesn't leave people with the jitteriness and irritation that many complain of with their morning coffee.
- ORGANIC: WE packed this Yerba Mate in DOA (Department Of Agriculture) of Ohio certified facility. 100% certified organic Yerba Mate Tea by OEFFA bearing the USDA organic seal. We procure the highest quality Yerba available, the so called SUPERGREEN Yerba Mate that is farmed and packaged free from pesticides and herbicides. Packed and processed in Cleveland U.S.A. We employ local workers and help our community.
- GROWN IN THE RAINFOREST: Yerba Mate tastes best when sources from its traditional home in the rainforests of South America; U.S. Wellness Naturals mate is proud to be directly from the jungle, for the freshest, healthiest cup of mate around. Each order comes in a 1 lb bulk bag made with BPA free multi-layer polymer and Kraft surface. The bag is free standing for easy storage and reseals to preserve freshness.
- SOURCING: We have had out own representative to travel to Brazil and personally meet the farmers, processors and exporters. The goal is REPRODUCIBLE QUALITY. We ensured that all NOP certificates are up to date and we visited the fields where the crops have been growing. Not many companies in USA have the same level of commitment or the results. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
- BIG- The matte tea come in a giant one pound bag so you'll be enjoying your tea for weeks (or MONTHS) to come; This is especially important with yerba tea, as it is often consumed as a social experience using the special mate gourds and a straw called a bombilla; Invite family and friends around for your new coffee alternative, and raise a glass (or gourd) to a healthy new lifestyle
Scientific Name: Ilex paraguariensis Common Names: Yerba Mate, Yerba Tea, Mate Tea, Terere, Chimarrao Yerba Mate is a beautiful plant that has been utilized in South America for millennia. In Uruguay and Paraguay, it is common to see people on the streets carrying their mate and termo (thermos) to fill with hot water. In fact, it is so popular that the streets are dotted with hot water filling stations. The plant itself is grown in the shade of the rainforests. Being grown in the shade allows it to retain the maximum health benefit, and avoids many of the issues associated with sun baked plants. Among the many properties of yerba mate, it is best known for its coffee like jolt. Much like coffee, there's a high caffeine concentration in mate. Unlike coffee, it is alkaline in nature, which reduced issues with digestions, and reduces the jitters and uncomfortability that many associate with coffee drinking. Despite its caffeination, it has many of the positive herbal qualities of many other green teas, making it a sort of super food: all the caffeine from a cup of coffee, with all the holistic benefits of green tea. This giant one pound bag of yerba his a part of the U.S. Wellness Naturals brand. That means it comes with all the precision, care, and guarantees that are associated with all of our product. It has been certified organic by the National Organic Program and the Department of Agriculture. It has been packed carefully at our top of the line organic facility located in the heart of Cleveland, OH. We are always open to ideas and suggestion on new teas to try, and we personally meet with and source each and every one of the products we sell! Enjoy your yerba mate, and be sure to reach out with any questions!
Omg! It's the most delicious high quality camomile I ever had! The bag was huge and the sweet smell was intoxicating. It was beautiful whole flowers with no visible crumbs. I learned from reading your description about how your flowere were harvested while young to give the sweet taste and older flowers can give a bitter taste. Now I know why the camomile I got before gave off a kind og bitter smell and not as sweet. Thank you so much for bringing such amazing camomile for us! I'm also going to try your lemon balm tea as I'm sure it's going to be amazing.
My mom recommended hibiscus tea to me because I was having some regular digestive issues and wanted to stop relying on TUMS and Pepto Bismol. I looked around for different hibiscus tea variations and this was one of the few without that prop 65 label warning so I went with it. To my surprise, the bag is HUGE and the leaves are really good quality! Definitely great value here. It's been only day 3 of drinking this 1-2x a day and let me tell you - my bloating and digestive issues have been put to rest! Seriously a miracle tea, and it tastes pretty good too. I'd say it tastes like cranberry juice minus the sugar. I like it as is, but I know my mom likes to add a bit of honey for extra sweetness. Personally I love the tart taste - it's like lightly flavored water! It supposedly has a lot of great benefits for your body such as helping with premenstrual cramps, weight loss, keeping your liver healthy, and reducing blood sugar levels / cholesterol to name a few. I'm excited to add this to my daily routine. It can be enjoyed both hot and cold which is also nice because in the summer months it gets really hot out where I live. HIGHLY recommend!!!
I so enjoy stinging nettle tea. My daughter got me started using it for my allergies and respiratory problems. It helps amazingly well and I am very pleased with this brand. There are no stems and it is sifted so well that even the leaf ends blend right in. I steep for about 20 minutes before adding a small amount of honey to mask the earthy taste but with this brand, I don't usually even need the honey. I drink at least one large but usually three cups a day and it does give the comfort of a "cuppa" but with the help of the natural medicinal properties it has. I recommend this brand of stinging nettle tea. One other comment - I wish the company could sort out the comments for the individual teas so that you can tell which are for which tea without having to sort through them.
Definitely a 5-star or 10-star! I was quite impressed with the quality and fast shipment! I have used it as tea and I have no problem not using with sugar nor honey. I like it straight. I also use it for my hairless cat's eye, hairless cats don't have eyelids and it seems that when I make my calendula tea, I pour a little dab on the cotton to clean the gunk in his eye and around his eyelid. What I've read is that it also helps with cataracts and macular degeneration. I also use it to infuse it with grapeseed oil as my moisturizer. It smells really good! I bought some canning jars and place the calendula flowers and pour the carrier oil. They say to pour the oil about 1 inch above the calendula. I used crockpot in warm setting for 6 hrs. I also use it in my DIY lotion bars and hand cream.
Thank you for this excellent product!
Calendula flowers with a lot of green tops. I was not expecting quite so many green tops in the bag. I should have paid closer attention to the title listing, since it does clearly say WHOLE flower...lol So I won't knock them for that.
(The last time I got Calendula was in Germany, and it was just the petals.) But that being said, these petals are nice and bright with lots of color. The bag is paper on the outside and lined with foil, to keep the herb as fresh as possible. Herb smells like it should. When steeped for 10 mins makes a nice, mild tea. Some people find it to be bitter, but I think it's mildly sweet, with the tiniest hint of bitter at the end. (even after steeping for 20 mins) With a touch of honey I think most people would enjoy a cup. It's a great herb that supports the digestive system. I highly recommend.

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