I got this for my advanced 4 year old nephew last year for Christmas. Do not expect that someone that age will be jumping up and down with excitement over receiving this (and I did not expect that!). What I did hope was that he would find it a challenge and something fun to do once the Christmas madness was over. This ended up being a favorite game for him in the last year and I'm so glad I got it for him.
What is really great about this game is that it progressively gets harder, so it grows with the player's abilities. There are cards that start with simple set-ups of the vehicles that you solve by moving the vehicles so that eventually the key vehicle (I think it's an ambulance? He showed me recently but I can't remember for sure...) can get out of the traffic jam. The more difficult cards had more vehicles in the traffic jam to move.
The game doesn't take forever to finish and is easy to take with you since it isn't huge. My sister was very pleased with this gift because my nephew really enjoys the game and it needs brain-power rather than a battery to operate.
Highly recommended!
I would highly recommend this game. I bought it for my 5 year old son. He is in kindergarten and they needed activities to fill their 'busy box'. The activities needed to fit in a shoe box and needed to be for independent play.
When we got the game he was excited to play with it (the cars, colors etc). There are 40 puzzles to solve. There are 4 levels within there (10 for each level). They get progressively more challenging.
He was able to solve 1-10 all by himself. Nice balance between ease/difficult so that he was interested, not frustrated and proud of himself. Absolutely independent play for him here. He can set up all the puzzles.
Starting in the 20's he starts needing a little guidance. It goes something like this....
Q: What is blocking the Ice Cream Truck?
A: The bus
Q: What is blocking the bus?
A: The police car
Q: What is blocking the police car?
A: The purple car.
Q: Can you move the purple car out of the way?
A: Yes.... (this leads to then going back and moving the police car and then the bus etc.)
More challenging puzzles involve moving the same cars more than once in different directions.
Answers for all the puzzles are included.
Ultimate answer for me on this game.... my son woke up this morning and played the game instead of watching TV. That's a miracle.
I'm very impressed with ThinkFun and plan to check out their other products.
I got this game for our 3 1/2 year old son, and although I was skeptical about whether or not he'd "get it", he soon began to solve the beginner puzzles and moved right along to the more challenging ones. The game itself is pretty simple to pick up and reminds me of those sliding number puzzles. It is more challenging, entertaining, and with greater variety. Kids will surely love the car theme and the colorful pieces. And parents will love the idea that their kids are thinking and learning while playing rather than just passively watching TV.
We initially began just by playing with the pieces, with me explaining the vehicles (most of which he already knew) and the concept of helping the ice cream truck to get out. Then I had him start assembling the scenario by himself but I still helped solve the puzzle, explaining the concept along the way and helping him learn the rules. Finally, I started to let him solve the puzzle and just observed or helped when he asked.
I can definitely see him advancing as he picks up tricks to use for solving the puzzle, and as he builds solution patterns that he can apply to other puzzles. I encourage him to think out loud and honestly, it's more fun for me to listen to him than to play the game. His "thinking out loud" is a hilarious combination of tactics, commentary about the cars, and imaginary scenes of how/why the cars are stuck - with a smattering of total randomness for good measure.
The pieces themselves are reasonably well built and pack up nicely for travel. They are nicely designed and our 1 1/2 year old always comes by to look at them when we play this game although we are careful to make sure he doesn't eat them. I do wish they had a nice hardwood version though since I'm a big fan of old school wood toys. The scenarios are driven by a pack of cards which we are able to re-use because apparently we all have poor memories. I'm sure if we played it a lot, we'd soon memorize the scenarios. But there are expansions which we can get if we haven't a majority of the pieces before we memorize the cards. Basically, I'm not terribly worried about getting bored with this game.
It's easily worth the price and is a great, compact game for home and travel.
This is an AWESOME game. I haven't been disappointed by anything we've gotten from ThinkFun. My 5 y/o plays this often. She was always able to do the easy cards but it took a little bit of "getting in the groove" for her to get the hang of the harder cards. But she got it quick. Even tho she has "beat" all the cards, she often goes back and plays it because it's not like she has memorized 50 cards and it's a good way to get her brain engaged. It's also a great quiet activity as it's a 1-player game. Great way to start encouraging strategy and "2 moves ahead" thinking. We've had it about 6 months and I laminated the cards b/c it was getting used so often that I didn't want them to rip or get anything spilt on them or get worn. We will keep this around for a long time.
This is a great game for any child, even an only child because it is a one person game. It really requires analytical thinking. Basically, you set up the cars and trucks according to each card, and you move them around to get your ice cream truck out of the traffic jam. It is really fun and challenging. Each card gets more and more challenging. My kids love to try to get to the expert level. The question I had when buying it is whether to get the Jr. or the regular version. I would say most kids can get through every level of the Jr. game at age 7, but all kids are different. Some will be able to fly through them earlier and others it will take more time (the recommended age is 6-8, but I would say younger kids can do the easier levels for sure). It is still challenging once you have gotten through all the cards because you don't remember how to do each card. Eventually, your child will be ready for the regular Rush Hour game. I wish they would just sell the deck of cards because the game is pretty much the same. Both come in a drawstring bag to keep all the pieces together. There is also a train version of this game. It is a bit bigger. I think this is one of the best games out there!

Feature Product
- Four levels of play
- Forty mind challenge cards with solutions
- Fifteen cars and truck, one ice cream truck
- Traffic game grid and game-go storage bag
- For ages between 6 to 8 years
ThinkFun Rush Hour Jr.
Absolutely fun and educational for my 3-year-old boy turning 4. It holds his attention like magic. He loves playing this game and went through the beginner level and intermediate level (the first 20 cards out of 40) in one short evening after he got this game. I am looking forward to playing it with him on our long flights when we travel.
This is one of the best toys ever bought. Bought this as one of the gifts for my 5yr olds birthday. He like jigsaw puzzles and thought this one sould interest him. It interests him and he sat with this for almost 2 hours until he finished 20+ levels on the same day. I helped him solve first two levels and then he understood quickly. This package says its for 6 yrs and up but I'm sure it could be introduced to 4 and up. Good thing I liked about it is after all levels are done, my kid still starts from level 1, but this time his approach is different and solves it little differently than earlier time. It has more than one solution for same level, hence makes it created for kids. It is even interesting for adults, but too simple. I got couple more of them for few other kids in family everyone enjoys it. Overall I would recommend this product and a must get toy for your kid.
We bought this (and Tip Over) as a Christmas present for our now 8 and 5 year old boys, and both loved this game (my 8 year old also loves Tip Over, so my 5 year old gets to play Rush Hour :-)). I worked with them a couple of times to teach them the basic rules and how to use the card pictures to set up the board correctly. My 8 year old picked the simplest level puzzles pretty quickly, and my 5 year old was able to figure them out as well.
We had not pulled them out for a couple of months until last week, and they both played with them for several hours over a couple of days. Our 5 year old was able to do a lot of the puzzles at the various difficulty levels. I'm not sure if he was able to do the most difficult puzzles yet. (they were switching back and forth between the two games a lot)
This is a great way to teach kids how to visualize a problem, and think spatially, as well as how to think several steps ahead -- between my suggestions and him figuring things out on his own he started looking to see which piece(s) had to be moved to get the ice cream truck out. He even started working backwards - how to move vehicles so they would be out of the way or not get in the way of the other pieces that had to go a certain direction, etc.
Our five year old loves the Rush Hour game and has gotten quite good at it, though he does like to occasionally "change the rules" when it suits his mood (yesterday he was allowing the cars to "turn" instead of just moving forward and backward -- creative solutions :-)).
I bought this for my grandchildren ages 6-11 and they all love it. The eldest breezed through the easier levels, but still found the higher levels challenging. The youngest worked up gradually, but succeeded in doing them all. This is a thinking game for one person and a wonderful activity to keep one child busy for a long time-- you get hooked! Time now to move on to the regular Rush Hour. They also love the Chocolate Fix game (Chocolate Fix Board Game (Colors And Parts May Vary). Very highly recommended.
When I ordered this toy/ game for my 3 years+4 months daughter I was a little skeptical whether she will enjoy this or not ??? After receiving this game, at least for an hour she played the way a small kid should play (riding all the vehicles and forming a queue with them) and I thought its not age appropriate for her. But then in the evening me and my husband sat together and solved 1 or 2 cards (beginner level) in front of her and wow she picked up and solved all the 10 cards withing an hour with little or no help. Still I haven't given other advanced level cards to her but I am sure those cards will be more challenging and fun.
It can keep your kid busy for longer time. They learn how to make a smart move with other vehicle inside the grid for an ice cream truck to exit. And smaller kids develop another skill along with solving the puzzle ....Observing...They learn to arrange the vehicle the way its pictured in card and I felt its kinda different skill which my kid is developing. She try to follow the smallest detail like the car's headlight is forward facing or backward facing, where the fire truck ladder in the picture and place all the vehicle on the grid exactly the way its been placed in the picture and then she tries to solve it.
I am totally satisfied with my decision to purchase this product and would recommend to the parents looking for some fun and challenging game for their kid.

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